Sunday, April 14, 2013

to stand a chance

 13. to stand a chance(good, fair) chance  : see stand n.1

1796   J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. (new ed.) II. 108   He..hardly stood a chance of becoming a beggar.

1885   Manch. Examiner 12 Nov. 5/1   The Ministry..stand a good chance of seeing themselves reduced to insignificance. 

The closest he's ever gotten to being in a videogame was as part of a 1992 EGM practical joke, but now it's come to light that one of gaming's oldest red herrings, Sheng Long, is a playable character in Street Fighter IV's arcade version.

Sheng Long started life as a mistranslation of the "shō ryū" (Rising Dragon) part of Ryu's Shōryūken.When translated into Chinese Pinyin, "shō ryū" becomes "Sheng Long," and it's from here that the misconception was had. In the original Japanese version of the game, Ryu would say to defeated opponents: "If you cannot break through the Rising Dragon Punch, you cannot win!" In the translated version, it became "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance." The inevitable happened, as English-speaking players assumed Sheng Long was a person, and EGM swiftly took advantage.

EGM claimed that Sheng Long could be unlocked by taking zero hits during an entire game, and then letting the timer run out in the final battle against M. Bison without giving or receiving any damage. Aptly, the writer of this tip was W.A Stokens, or "Waste Tokens."

The legacy of Mr. Stokens, however, lives on, as Capcom has seen to it that Sheng Long is finally about to take his rightful place in Street Fighter history. He'll be armed with a "Forbidden Shōryūken," and will most likely be a total badass. We don't know how to unlock him. 





 For more, here are some sentence to start use the SWEATY IDIOM in many ways...


  1. We might stand a chance of winning if we continue to play as well as we did today.

  2. If you're thinking about suing someone, talk to a lawyer to see if you stand a chance.

  3.  Shy students don't stand a chance in such a large class.

  4.  Do you think I stand a chance of winning first place?

Finally, My classmates if we could set a law by our own for more attention on one academic purpose, do you mind chatting on WhatsApp or any other Apps in Cellphones as one GROUP?


Believe me our LAW will become " USE IT OR LOSE IT ", after any class we take. And we might stand a chance of learning English sufficiently and helpfully if we continue 

 to practice.






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